Omaticon 2025


Huge shout out to Mako from Kelutral, who invited me to host a panel at this years Omaticon celebration. If you aren't familiar with Omaticon, it is as the name implies, an online con for fans of Avatar. This year marked the 5th anniversary and featured guests such as, Josh Izzo, Bailey Bass, Todd McFarlane, and of course many more.

I was invited to host a panel covering Avatar 3-Fire and Ash Theories, and was able to pick who joined me for the panel. I was joined by Payra, Avatar Latino, Sister of Tulkun, and Avatar Guy. I thought everyone did a great job, we flowed together, hit our hour time limit just as things were getting better and better, and most importantly we all had fun. So special thanks to all of them for making it an Avatar moment to remember. 


If you'd like to watch any panels from this years Omaticon, you can do so at their Twitch channel- Kelutralro Twitch 

If youre interested in learning more about Kelutral, or Omaticon, or joining their community, you can check out their website at-


Avatar Sequels X Avatar Sea of Blue